Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1439 of /home/olrixmwt/public_html/includes/bootstrap.inc).
Notice: Trying to get property 'body' of non-object in block_block_view() (line 247 of /home/olrixmwt/public_html/modules/block/block.module).
Notice: Trying to get property 'format' of non-object in block_block_view() (line 247 of /home/olrixmwt/public_html/modules/block/block.module).
Astronomers have discovered more than 5,000 planets in other star systems, most of them found by the Kepler space telescope. This graphic provides an overview of the types of worlds discoverd so far. [NASA/JPL/Caltech]