Sunspots Sunspots are some of the most noticeable features of the Sun.
Spectroscope | 95K pdf Just as a geologist collects rocks or minerals and a botanist collects plants, an astronomer collects light. When an astronomer looks at a star through a spectroscope, he or she sees a colorful spectrum that is full of information.
The Milky Way Stretching across the dark night sky, not easily visible when the Moon is in the sky, is a faint irregular glowing strip of light. For thousands of years peoples of various cultures tried to explain what they saw, sometimes using stories.
Stars and Galaxies | 107K pdf Galaxies contain billions of stars. Do galaxies collide? Do the stars within them collide?
Coma Cluster of Galaxies Students learn the basics of galaxy classification and grouping, then use Hubble Space Telescope images to discover the 'morphology-density effect' and make hypotheses about its causes.